Boarding Your Dog

If you are planning to board your dog with a home boarder always visit them beforehand,make sure you talk to the boarder and get to look around the house your dog will be staying at.Talk about any health problems your dog may have before the boarding commences and tell boarder if your dog is on any medication.Discuss your dogs individual needs and remember the boarder is in this business because they love dogs.

Try to book your homeboarder as early as you can a good reputable boarder will have repeat business all year round and can be full early on.Bring all paperwork with you ie: name ,address,phone number also vets address and phone number.An emergency contact ie family member is good if you are out of the country for any decisions that might have to be made if your dog becomes ill while you are away.

Just relax and enjoy your trip,remember your dog will be in good hands and will enjoy the care and attention as if they were at home.

Pulling On The Lead

Pulling on the led is one of the most common problems with all kinds of dogs. Puppies and adult dogs can often be seen taking their owners for walks instead of it being the other way around.

Lead pulling can be caused from a variety of different things,the dog may simply be so excited to go for a walk that they are unable to control themselves. In other cases, the dog sees itself as the leader of the pack and simply takes the “leadership position” at the front of the pack.

If excitement is the motivation for leash pulling, simply giving the dog a few minutes to calm down can often help.Simply stand with the dog on the leash for a couple minutes and let the initial excitement of the upcoming walk pass. After the initial excitement ahs worn off, many dogs are willing to walk calmly on their leash.

The basis of teaching a dog to walk calmly on the lead is teaching it to calmly accept the collar and lead. A dog that is bouncing up and down while the collar is being put on will not walk properly. Begin by asking your dog to sit and insist that he sit still while the collar is put on. If the dog begins to get up, or gets up on his own after the collar is on, be sure to sit him back down immediately. Only begin the walk after the dog has sat calmly to have the collar put on, and continued to sit calmly as the lead is attached.

Once the lead is attached, it is important to make the dog walk calmly toward the door. If the dog jumps or runs ahead, gently correct him with a tug of the leash and return him to a sitting position. Make the dog stay, then move on again. Repeat this process until the dog is walking calmly by your side.

Repeat the above process when you reach the door. The dog should not be allowed to rush out of the door, or to pull you through the open door. If the dog begins this behavior, return the dog to the house and make him sit quietly until he can be trusted to walk through the door properly. Starting the walk in control is vital to creating a well mannered dog.

Remember that if your dog pulls on the lead and you continue to walk him anyway, you are inadvertently rewarding that unwanted behavior. Dogs learn whether you are teaching them or not, and learning the wrong things now will make learning the right things later that much harder.

It is important to be consistent in your expectations. Every time the dog begins to pull ahead, immediately stop and make the dog sit. Continue to have the dog sit quietly until his focus is solely on you. Then start out again, making sure to immediately stop moving if the dog surges ahead.

Puppy Care

Puppy Care Tips

Puppy Care Tips

By: Ted Belfour

Puppies try to jump at anything and everything during their first year of life. It is worth knowing that this behavior will remain the same when the puppy grows into am adult dog. If you want your dog to keep on jumping on guests, then it is fine to let the puppy jump at you on every occasion. Better way is to reward the puppy and punish for desired behavior. When the puppy is jumping at you, neglect this behavior. Make the puppy sit on the floor and offer a reward. Over a period of time puppy will realize the benefit of sitting in front of you and therefore will forget the tendency of jumping at people. This will be to your great advantage when the puppy grows and becomes a sort of serious dog.

Punishment to the puppy should not be treated as punishment, but correction in behavior. It is important to correct puppy’s behavior at the time of any offence committed by the puppy. Never correct him after a time gap. Fir example, if you don’t want your puppy to start barking the moment doorbell rings, correct him immediately. If you try to correct him after the guests are gone, he may get confused. Once this unwanted behavior is corrected, never forget to reward the puppy for the correct behavior. This reward may not necessarily in the form of food only. You may show your happiness over the behavior and your dog is intelligent enough to know your good mood.

Get a good number of toys for your puppy to chew. Never allow him to bite or chew your hand. If the puppy bites your hand, make a huge noise to make puppy understand his mistake. Don’t try to punish the puppy for this behavior. Walk away from the place and don’t let him near you for some time. Puppy will understand this clearly and never try to repeat that mistake. Handful of chewable toys will do this trick easily.

Try not to leave the puppies unattended in a room. Puppies because of their natural tendency of chewing, will mess up with valuable articles in the room. If you scold him for this, he may not understand the reasons of your behavior. Leave it there itself, and then never ever leave him unattended.

Puppies may feel sick when taken on a long drive. Start training your puppy in the car for shorter distances first and then keep on increasing the trip time and miles. Puppy will get adjusted to long hours in the car.

Author Bio
Dave is the owner of and websites providing information on car auctions.

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