Fighting Fleas

Fleas love warmer areas. Places such as sheds, plants around the house, within your house, garage and on your pets are all places you will find fleas.

To properly win the fight against fleas you have got to target the source .
Flea control must involve all areas of infestation, your pets,and around  your home  and it must involve treatment of all phases of the flea lifecycle, adult, eggs, larva and pupa.

Flea Control on Your Pet

There are several products on the market to treat and control flea infestations on your dog. Collars and spot-ons are the most up to date for long-term control.  If you should chance to use a spot-on it is advised that you not wash your dog the day of or one day after application of the spot-on treatment. As well as spot-on treatments, sprays and foams are available too.

You should include all cats you have in your flea control program regardless of whether they are showing any signs because cats can easily carry fleas from your garden into your place. Cats are a lot more attuned to flea control chemicals (some products for dogs can’t be used on felines ) so be certain to only use products that are totally safe to be used on cats.

Flea Control in Your House

Treatment of your house should be focused on areas where your pets spend most of their time.  There are plenty of carpet sprays available and you need to also vacuum source points regularly and dump the bag, wash pet bedding in hot water and dry on extreme heat for about twenty minutes.